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Playing around and pulling off pranks is something I have been doing for as long as I can remember. I love surprising people and getting a reaction out of them. I got into a lot of trouble for it as a kid and my siblings hated me at times, but it was always worth it for the laugh. If I look at it deeper, it’s possibly a power play on my part too, but I prefer to think of it as being good fun.

No exception is made for cam girls. Thanks to Cam 2 Cam, I can pull off pranks while also pulling myself off. For the most part, the girls have been really good sports and usually end up laughing with me. A couple of pranks have fallen flat and the chicks just thought I was strange. It has ranged from using realistic dildos to make it look like my cock can do incredible tricks or has something wrong with it, to making it look like there is a ghost in my bedroom.

Last night I was playing around with COSPLAYHARLEYXXX and turned on Cam 2 Cam. She was not prepared for what I did. It was hilarious, we had a good laugh after, and then she helped me blow my load. Good times.

Blogged Under: Webcam Babes
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